Energy audit
Energy audit

So ... What is an energy audit? Energy audit - a building energy analysis, based on measurements and data collected, held now licensed to conduct energy audits. In other words, an energy audit - a procedure that you can use to find out how energy is used in the building, what are the measures for its economy, and how you can reduce energy consumption of the building, which conducted an energy audit.

What is the energy audit and that he gives? Energy audit gives an overview of the technical condition of the building and gives an overview of the energy losses of the building. During the energy audit can identify the priority work on the renovation of the house and do the calculations for their payback. In general, an energy audit can be viewed as part of the examination of the building, which aims to clarify the technical condition of the house and the efficiency of energy consumption of the house.

Then on the basis of a report on energy audit can make a note on the energy efficiency of buildings, energy certificate to write or assign the corresponding class of home energy consumption.

As a result, the result of an energy audit - it is made up a list of measures and means to achieve energy savings. By adopting these measures, it is possible both to significantly reduce the cost of home energy consumption, and reduce other expenditure. The conducted energy audit is often a condition of the bank when applying for a bank loan for the renovation of the building.

Qualified building energy audit should include the following information:

- The study of heat loss in water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
- Study of heat loss through the building structure elements;
- A study of power supply systems and automation.

energy audit report should consist of the following parts:

- A description of the building;
- The technical data of the building;
- Technical condition of the building;
- Report on the energy consumption of a building;
- A table of recommended energy saving measures on the cost of the works and the payback period.

The calculation of the required energy-saving measures usually begins with the definition of retention settings, and heat consumption rate. For each project are determined by specific local climatic conditions (degree-days) and takes into account building standards, so the results of the audit are corrected parameter which is calculated based on the actual energy consumption of the building. After receiving the averaged data and the introduction of amendments calculated potential savings. This procedure is carried out 4 times - for ventilation, water supply, electricity and external factors. The result is the original data for the energy balance.

The resulting energy balance data are entered in a special program, whereby the calculated value of the recommended activities and their payback period. If the latter is greater than the optimal payback period, then by adjusting the calculation of the components is achieved an acceptable solution for the customer and the list of energy conservation measures.

Energy Auditing is usually accompanied by building thermography. The purpose termofotografirovaniya home - find heat leaks and check the quality of the joints of panels, windows, etc. With the help of thermal cameras (imager) can also be found inside the walls of the cold bridges. If the house is cold, and heating bills are large, whereas in the preparation of the renovation plan for the building it is advisable to make termoekspertizu its external structures. It is important to note that the exact location of the heat leaks in the future will help avoid a complete home insulation, which means - to save finances.

Result is a report containing both the infrared photos of leaks and external digital photo designs that allow to specify the leaks. Each place is described by the heat leakage, indicating the recommended action on the renovation. The report is usually provided on paper and digitally in

Tester for non-contact temperature measurement allows also to analyze engineering systems in the building to detect energy leaks.